Blueprint For Wellness- 7 Step Guide To Maintain Your Health Are you curious about things that you can do to build yourself a blueprint for wellness? A blueprint for wellness can be done on a few different levels. Perhaps you'd like to lose ten pounds, or just develop more stamina or better cardiac health. This leads us into the first step of building your new plan. Determine what you want to accomplish - Your job is to figure out, in detail, what it is you'd like to achieve. Goal setting is a key factor in being successful at anything and this is no different. Gain Knowledge - Once you have your goals figured out go online and find others who have accomplished what you're trying to do. If you're not able to do as much as them, that's fine, start at your own pace. There are plenty of websites out there that will help you. Put Yourself On A Schedule - Organization is a wonderful thing and that includes your time as well. If you need to get up in the morning to get some exercise done to get it out of the way, give yourself an extra hour in the morning before you have to go to work. Diet Will Make Or Break You - You're going to have to get to it sooner or later, so why not now. Start replacing at least one thing that you like to eat with something healthy. Something I did was to eat vegetables with ranch dressing. No the ranch isn't good and you should replace it eventually, at least you'll be eating vegetables instead of junk food. 
Start A Journal - Documentation will serve several purposes. It will make your goals seem more real to you, allow you track your progress, show you where you can do better and keep your eye on the prize. A blueprint for wellness is exactly that, a visual representation of what you want to accomplish. Take Your Lunch To Work - I know all too well how easy it is to fall into running through the drive through at lunch at work when you're rushed. Making your own lunch will be more healthy for you, save you money, and you'll also find that you have more time to just slow down during the day and truly take a break. Making your lunch does not mean a TV dinner or preservative filled box of stuff. Tell Others About Your Plan - Telling your friends or relatives will give you some accountability. Find at least one person that you can hold yourself accountable to. Sticking with a program like this is almost the hardest part. We can all do things for a few days, a week, or even a month. If you want it to last, you've got to stick with it. Building a blueprint for wellness isn't a tough thing to do. You've got to have a little creativity and the willpower to get those first steps done. Steven Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" said it takes about 30 days to make something into a habit. If you can stick with things that long, then you'll be well on your way to a healthier, happier life. |
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