Reverse Aging- 3 Keys to a Younger Existence Many times during the course of an examination, I hear a comment from a patient that is about their perception of getting older. The 29 year old feels that "30 will be old", the 39 year old feels like "40 will be old", the 49 year old feels that "50 will be old" and on and on. For some reason, no one seems to ever mention 28, 37, 46 or 55 as ages that the next birthday causes them to feel older. There is something special about those birthdays that end in zero. So, who is right and really old? What thoughts entered your mind when you had your last birthday? Here is the truth. Being old has nothing to do with age but rather it is a state of mind and body. You can age without getting old if you have the right attitude about life and your overall health. Here are a few points I would like for you to consider. The 3 keys to a younger existence: - Keeping an open and active mind. One sure-fire way to be seen as old is to become "stuck in your ways". Everyone experiences change in a different way but keeping your mind open to new options and experiences will help you not get stuck in the past. We all remember times when things seemed simpler and less complicated than they are now, but change does not always mean an end to the "good old days". Stay involved with current events and make a commitment to yourself to learn something new every day. If you do this, you will learn to look at life with expectation and excitement for new things to come and you will spend less time lamenting about things that are no more. Make today one of the "good old days" you can look back on in the future.
- A body in motion stays in motion. Keeping your body in peak physical condition as you age will make all the difference in the world as to how old you feel. Sure, as you age you may not be able to keep up with the younger crowd anymore but it does not mean you need to become sedentary. Just keep doing the physical activities you enjoy or maybe take up a new activity to replace the one you cannot do anymore. Swimming, walking and hiking are all excellent forms of exercise that can be done at your own pace. The key is to keep your body moving so you stay healthy. You needn't be plagued with the typical "old folks" illnesses if you make sure you eat healthy foods and get plenty of exercise. You aren't ready for the rocking chair just yet!
- Retiring from work does not mean retiring from life. Get out there and be active in your community. This might mean joining an interest group, doing volunteer work, getting involved in charitable work or just having coffee at your local coffee shop every day. Do not allow yourself to withdraw to a solitary existence. Being retired means you have more time to socialize. The more time you spend with other people, the less likely you are to feel old. Getting involved with younger people will also help you stay young. Their outlook on life will help you better understand the changing world around you and help you feel more in touch with current events. If you have a bucket list of things you have always wanted to do, now is the time to do them!
The truth is that you control if and when you get old. Keep a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step and you will never be old no matter what your age may be. 
So, in review, the 3 points for today include 1) Keeping an open and active mind 2) Keeping your body active and fit 3) Being socially active. Which of these 3 factors do you think would be most beneficial for you to focus on? Pick one and then think about the benefits you would enjoy if you were able to have a sharper active mind, a physically fit and energetic body, or a healthy active social network where you are able to share your gifts and talents. Spend about 15 minutes outlining how you can improve that area of your life and then set up your action plan to do so. You know what comes next and that is to just get started and implement your plan until the goal you set is achieved. Use 30, 60, or 90 days or whatever time period you like as the target date to reach your goal. When finished with that area, then move on to the next key factor and implement a plan for that issue. When you have finished the 3 areas, then go back to the first one you picked and start again and think of a new way to work on that area for the time period you selected. Continuing to work on these areas will impact you in a way that your mind no longer associates birthdays with "getting or being old". They will just become milestones as part of your enjoyable life with a younger existence! 
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