Two Proven Ways To Restore Your Health and Energy Is age starting to catch up with you? Do you have less energy or vitality than you had when you were 5, 10, or 20 years younger? Well if so, you don't have to feel like the Lone Ranger. As we age our body starts to not operate as well as it once did. There are a lot of reasons for this; however there are two things you can do to make things better: follow a healthy diet or eating plan and exercise. We'll start with exercise. I know that most of us don't really always enjoy exercise; however there are fun ways that you can do it. You can always grab an MP3 player and load up your favorite music or even an audio book and go for a walk. It doesn't have to be a long walk in the beginning. Just a walk around the block might be all you can do. That's better than nothing though. Perhaps for exercise you can find something that you like to do for fun. For example, swimming is one of the best forms of exercise out there, working almost all parts of your body. Simply getting out and playing a game can start you out with some exercise that is more enjoyable. Get out and shoot some hoops with your kids or nephews or nieces. Whatever you choose to do, try to get out and do it frequently and build a habit of doing some form of exercise. Thirty minutes of exercise three days per week can have a big impact on your energy level as well as improve sleep habits, and how your body processes the food you eat. When it comes to diet and eating healthy, there are lots of things to consider there as well. Allergies are one of the biggest such as gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance; the other consideration is whether or not you have a disease of some sort such as diabetes or high blood pressure. If either of these is true, you need a little consultation before you make too many radical decisions in your eating habits. This can be in the form of some good research online, or from your physician or a registered dietitian. If you need assistance, let me know and I will help you with this. There are many foods out there which promote health and wellness. For example, garlic has been known for centuries to have healing qualities. Seek out vitamins that are high in fiber, vitamins and protein. Beans, beans the musical fruit should be redone to read "beans, beans, the magical fruit." Of course they're not really magical, but they offer great benefits nutritionally in the form of vitamins, protein and fiber. Beans are definitely a food that you should add to your diet if you're not already. Stay away from fried food and foods with a lot of fat. These will clog up your arteries as well as excessive calories that can increase weight. This, in turn, makes your body work harder to pump blood and will affect your stamina and cardiovascular health in general. Sure you can eat these things, but like most things, do so in moderation or just occasionally. Make sure to mix in some fresh fruits like a banana or blueberries with your breakfast. The two areas of healthy diet and exercise are always a good place to start when it comes to health and wellness. Used in combination with natural supplements, meditation, healthy relationships, and activities that fulfill your life purpose, diet and exercise will do almost everything you want. Do this regularly for at least 30 days and you will be sure to notice an increase in energy as your body becomes healthier. Here is something else, I would like to mention. In addition to providing you with information to improve your health by email, I provide daily tips by Twitter covering a wide variety of topics. Here are the titles of some of the recent Twitter posts that have been made: 1. Aerobic Exercise Can Eliminate Belly Fat 2. Left Untreated, Insulin Resistance will decrease your quality of life and certainly reduce your lifespan 3. Weight loss from cutting calories, can be less than you think 4. Job Stress can lead to more physician visits 5. Making life meaningful despite a debilitating disease. 6. Surgeon General speaks out about women, exercise, and hair 7. Eating prunes can help prevent bone fractures in women. 8. Increased risk of melanoma in young women who tan 9. Brain stressors to avoid 10.A practical approach to weight loss even if you have no will power. Currently, I have over 300 health tips for you available on twitter and new ones are sent out every week between Monday and Friday. I would like for you to take advantage of these tips and use them to improve your quality of life as well, so I would like for you to sign up to follow me at . If you regularly use Face Book, then this information is also available by going to the Face Book page and clicking on the like button and then accessing my Twitter feed from the menu. Let me know if you find these tips useful and also if you have suggestions for any topics that you would like to see covered in the future. 
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