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Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter

Hi Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter


How Brown Fat Helps Grow
Healthy Hair: Part 2

Last week I explained how brown adipose tissue (brown fat) may encourage strong healthy hair growth, and a lack of it can be linked to androgenetic alopecia.

Research has shown that the follicles where hair loss rarely occurs (such as the occipital region at the back of the scalp) contains a thick layer of brown fat. But, in those with androgenetic alopecia there is a lack of brown fat around the miniaturized follicles of the hair loss region.

This strongly suggests that brown fat serves a supportive role for hair follicles and hair growth.

There are two reasons for this:

1. Brown fat encourages angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation).
2. Brown fat can provide a protective cushioning effect.

So, how can you increase your scalp brown fat levels?

This newsletter provides the answer to that question…

The Omega 3 fish oils, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acids) have been associated with brown fat activity. So, it may be that by consuming a very high Omega 3 diet you can do something to help your hair grow. Perhaps the best evidence for this idea comes from the Inuit people (Eskimos) who consume extremely high levels of Omega 3 fish oils from their diet, and have a very low incidence of androgenetic alopecia.

You may be able to increase your levels of BAT from Omega 3 fish oil supplements containing EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Alternatively, Omega 3 can be obtained from eating oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, etc.

Salmon is rich in omega 3. Note: if your email provider does not support html, you won't be able to see this image.

However, there is uncertainty as to how much Omega 3 will get converted into brown fat and then find it's way into your scalp.

Whilst diet might improve the growth of your hair, it is sensible to try a number of ideas in your battle against baldness: the hands-on techniques I used to regrow my own hair are now helping many others to do the same. You can read testimonials here:


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Some more BAT facts...

  • BAT (i.e., brown adipose tissue) serves as a heat insulator, shock absorber and provides energy for the body.

  • BAT has the ability to produce heat without the need for shivering and is of interest to scientists right now because it does this by burning calories from normal fat (white adipose tissue). This means that it may have an application in the weight loss industry.

  • Recent research shows that BAT is related to skeletal muscle.

  • BAT is brown because it is highly vascularized (i.e., it contains blood vessels) and contains a large number of mitochondria (which provide energy).

  • Exposure to the cold will activate BAT activity.

In the next issue: Macronutrients for hair growth… and hair loss!

See you next week,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

P.S. This newsletter runs in a continuous sequence. This means that any issue you might have missed will cycle back round again in about 15 weeks.

Copyright © Paul Taylor 2011

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Heathy 365 News - How to Restore Your Health and Energy

My Newsletter


Dr. Seymour Weaver Logo
Presented by:

Dr. Seymour Weaver
Houston: (281) 395-7770
Katy: (281) 395-7770
Connect with Dr. Weaver
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Recent Blog Posts

Reverse Aging- 3 Keys to a Younger Existence


Blueprint for Wellness ? 7 Step Guide to Maintain Your Health


Liposuction- A Quick Way to Remove Unwanted Body Fat


Skin Rejuvenation- What Should You Do First?


Liposuction- 5 Ways Body Shaping Can Help Your Appearance


Healthy 365 News

Issue # 13 - August 30, 2011

Update From Dr. Weaver

Hello Readers,

This past week, I mentioned the concept of bending, but not breaking and there were quite a few of you who found this concept useful for a situation that you are currently facing in life.

I would like to say that you should focus on the results you want and a better situation for yourself no matter how difficult times might become.

I am reminded of one of my patients named Henry, who came to my office years ago for skin concerns.  Every time he came for a visit he was happy and cheerful with a big smile and always carried on a positive conversation. 

This was despite the fact that he had multiple sclerosis and was in a wheelchair and unable to walk.  He never mentioned his disabilities or fixated upon them. 

I must say that I was surprised, but I don't know why when he announced that he was getting married and branching out further in life.  He had one of the most positive outlooks on life of anyone I ever cared for.

So, no matter what you might be facing, a positive outcome is possible if you put your mind to it.

Today, here are a couple of additional tips to help you with restoring or maintaining your health and increasing your energy.  Also, listed below is a way you can get additional tips during the week that I would like for you to take me up on.



Health Tip of the Week

Two Proven Ways To Restore Your Health and Energy

Is age starting to catch up with you?  Do you have less energy or vitality than you had when you were 5, 10, or 20 years younger?  Well if so, you don't have to feel like the Lone Ranger.  As we age our body starts to not operate as well as it once did.  There are a lot of reasons for this; however there are two things you can do to make things better: follow a healthy diet or eating plan and exercise.

We'll start with exercise.  I know that most of us don't really always enjoy exercise; however there are fun ways that you can do it.  You can always grab an MP3 player and load up your favorite music or even an audio book and go for a walk.  It doesn't have to be a long walk in the beginning.  Just a walk around the block might be all you can do.  That's better than nothing though.

Perhaps for exercise you can find something that you like to do for fun.  For example, swimming is one of the best forms of exercise out there, working almost all parts of your body.  Simply getting out and playing a game can start you out with some exercise that is more enjoyable. 

Get out and shoot some hoops with your kids or nephews or nieces.  Whatever you choose to do, try to get out and do it frequently and build a habit of doing some form of exercise.  Thirty minutes of exercise three days per week can have a big impact on your energy level as well as improve sleep habits, and how your body processes the food you eat.

When it comes to diet and eating healthy, there are lots of things to consider there as well.  Allergies are one of the biggest such as gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance; the other consideration is whether or not you have a disease of some sort such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

If either of these is true, you need a little consultation before you make too many radical decisions in your eating habits.  This can be in the form of some good research online, or from your physician or a registered dietitian.  If you need assistance, let me know and I will help you with this.

There are many foods out there which promote health and wellness.  For example, garlic has been known for centuries to have healing qualities.  Seek out vitamins that are high in fiber, vitamins and protein.  Beans, beans the musical fruit should be redone to read "beans, beans, the magical fruit."  Of course they're not really magical, but they offer great benefits nutritionally in the form of vitamins, protein and fiber.  Beans are definitely a food that you should add to your diet if you're not already.

Stay away from fried food and foods with a lot of fat.  These will clog up your arteries as well as excessive calories that can increase weight.  This, in turn, makes your body work harder to pump blood and will affect your stamina and cardiovascular health in general.  Sure you can eat these things, but like most things, do so in moderation or just occasionally.  Make sure to mix in some fresh fruits like a banana or blueberries with your breakfast.

The two areas of healthy diet and exercise are always a good place to start when it comes to health and wellness.  Used in combination with natural supplements, meditation, healthy relationships, and activities that fulfill your life purpose, diet and exercise will do almost everything you want.   Do this regularly for at least 30 days and you will be sure to notice an increase in energy as your body becomes healthier.

Here is something else, I would like to mention.  In addition to providing you with information to improve your health by email, I provide daily tips by Twitter covering a wide variety of topics.

Here are the titles of some of the recent Twitter posts that have been made:

1. Aerobic Exercise Can Eliminate Belly Fat
2. Left Untreated, Insulin Resistance will decrease your
   quality of life and certainly reduce your lifespan

3. Weight loss from cutting calories, can be less than
    you think

4. Job Stress can lead to more physician visits
5. Making life meaningful despite a debilitating disease.
6. Surgeon General speaks out about women, exercise,
    and hair

7. Eating prunes can help prevent bone fractures in

8. Increased risk of melanoma in young women who

9. Brain stressors to avoid
10.A practical approach to weight loss even if you have no will power.

Currently, I have over 300 health tips for you available on twitter and new ones are sent out every week
between Monday and Friday.

I would like for you to take advantage of these tips and use them to improve your quality of life as well, so I would like for you to sign up to follow me at www.Twitter.com/DrSeymourWeaver .

If you regularly use Face Book, then this information is also available by going to the Face Book page  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dr-Seymour-Weaver/238604149483905 and clicking on the like button and then accessing my Twitter feed from the menu.

Let me know if you find these tips useful and also if you have suggestions for any topics that you would like to see covered in the future.





If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Weaver P O Box 300322 Houston, Texas 77230-0322 United States

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter

Hi Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter


How Brown Fat Helps Grow
Healthy Hair: Part 1

There are many factors that can affect hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia. This article explains how brown adipose tissue (brown fat) may encourage strong healthy hair growth, and a lack of it can be linked to hair loss.

Brown fat is found deep down in the subcutaneous layer of the skin (see diagram below). It is often referred to as "baby fat" because it comprises as much as 5% of the body weight in a newborn baby. Brown fat levels decrease with age, but it has recently been discovered that it is still present in adults.

It is most abundant in younger women and much less so in older, overweight men. So, basically this means that most men lack brown fat and suffer androgenetic alopecia, whereas most women and children possess higher levels of brown fat and suffer no androgenetic alopecia.

I do not believe this is simply a coincidence…

Brown fat is found in the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin.

Research has shown that the follicles of vigorously growing hair are embedded in a layer of brown fat. But in people with androgenetic alopecia there is a lack of brown fat around dormant follicles: bald areas are mostly depleted of fat tissue, but in the lower rear (occipital) region where hair loss does not occur, a thick layer of fat tissue is present. It appears that this loss of fat layer occurs before the follicle miniaturization and hair loss processes begin.

This suggests that brown fat serves a supportive role for hair follicles and hair growth.

Androgenetic alopecia develops due to skull bone growth (skull expansion). This progressively constricts the blood vessels of the scalp and reduces the blood supply required by the follicles to grow hair. So, it may well be that brown fat will offer some resistance against this process.

There are two possible reasons for this:

1. Angiogenesis/vascularization
2. Cushioning effect against the skull expansion process

1. Angiogenesis/vascularization

Brown fat encourages angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation). Hair undergoes a growth cycle. And during the growth phase, follicles will continuously try to grow deep down into the dermis of the skin where they can receive an abundant supply of blood. But in those with androgenetic alopecia, this process is hindered (by skull expansion). So, if brown fat levels can be increased, this might create new blood vessels and allow healthy hair to grow.

2. A cushioning effect

Given that a layer of brown fat will increases the thickness of the dermis, it may provide a cushioning effect that can reduce blood vessel constriction and increase scalp flexibility.

So, how can you increase your scalp brown fat levels?

The answer to that question is given next week.

Can't wait a week? You can find out the answer right now by reading this page:


Note: if your email provider does not support html, just copy and paste the link above into your browser address bar.

See you next week,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

P.S. This newsletter runs in a continuous sequence. This means that any issue you might have missed will cycle back round in about 15 weeks.

Copyright © Paul Taylor 2011

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Heathy 365 News - How to Speed Up a Slow Metabolism

My Newsletter


Dr. Seymour Weaver Logo
Presented by:

Dr. Seymour Weaver
Houston: (281) 395-7770
Katy: (281) 395-7770
Connect with Dr. Weaver
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Total Solution Rejuvenating Cleansing Wash

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Elements Hair Strengthening Treatment Strengthening treatment for all hair types. Restores the hair shaft by infusing each strand with minerals and protein for shiny, strong, healthy hair.
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Recent Blog Posts

Reverse Aging- 3 Keys to a Younger Existence


Blueprint for Wellness ? 7 Step Guide to Maintain Your Health


Liposuction- A Quick Way to Remove Unwanted Body Fat


Skin Rejuvenation- What Should You Do First?


Liposuction- 5 Ways Body Shaping Can Help Your Appearance


Healthy 365 News

Issue # 12 - August 23, 2011

Update From Dr. Weaver

Hello Readers,

This past week, I moved my daughter into the dorm for her second year of college.  It is amazing how much different the process was between year 1 and year 2. 

The first year was best characterized by nervous anticipation, uncertainty about getting the right roommates, classes scheduled at the desired time, being assigned the right teachers, and on and on and on.

This year, I can say that none of these things were major issues and the level of anxiety dropped at least 90%.  She has become such a self-assured and confident person this time around which is nothing short of a miracle.

How did she arrive at this point?  Well, she basically had to go through her fears, shed some tears, as well as face many challenges and tough situations over the course of the year which caused her to bend, but not break.  In the end she was able to thrive, not only survive.

So, if you are going through or have been through challenges and character building experiences this year, stay focused on a positive outcome and you will get there, with or without  a few scars nevertheless.  Make up your mind to do so.

Today's health tip is about speeding up a slow metabolism.  If you notice that your body is sluggish and you are not able to do things as quickly as you used to, then always make sure that your thyroid function is normal and not underactive.  If the thyroid function is ok, then these tips can help you out.


Health Tip of the Week

Healthy Living:  8 Tips for How to Speed Up a Slow Metabolism

Instead of focusing just on your weight, you should be concentrating on improving your over-all health and wellness. When you do this, the weight will take care of itself. Don't just go on a diet, make lifestyle changes instead. Lifestyle changes go beyond losing a few extra pounds; it is not a temporary fix.  It is a conscious effort to improve your quality of life and it lasts a lifetime.

One of the more common complaints that I hear is that the body's metabolism is slower and the activities that used to result in weight loss or feeling fit no longer work.

If this is a problem for you, the first step to take is learning how to increase your metabolism to enable your body to be more efficient at providing nutrition for your cells and muscles.

Here are 8 Tips for How to speed up a slow metabolism:

  1. Eat breakfast. I am sure you have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The reason being that your hormones slow your metabolism down during sleep. This is to prevent you from being kept awake by hunger and so your body can rest. In order to wake up your metabolism you must eat, otherwise it stays in "sleep" mode. A breakfast full of high-fiber carbs and protein is the best choice. A whole grain cereal with low fat milk or yogurt will provide you with the fuel to rev up your metabolism without causing a spike in your blood sugar because it is slowly digested. This will also keep you feeling full longer. Another good choice would be an egg white veggie omelette with whole grain toast. Don't forget to add a bit of fresh fruit to the meal.
  2. Increase protein. Lean sources of protein are essential to your health. Aim for 10-35% of your daily intake to be from proteins such as fish, chicken, legumes, nuts and seeds, yogurt and low-fat cheese. The reason protein speeds up your metabolism is because your body has to work harder to digest them. You can burn 200 more calories per day just by upping your protein intake. This does not mean that you should aim for a high protein diet such as the Atkins Diet. Healthy living includes a balanced diet. Just make sure that you include a protein source in all of your meals and snacks.
  3. Eat often. Going extended periods of time without fuelling your body is the main reason most people have low metabolisms. If you really want your metabolism to be revved up and keep it at peak performance you should break your meals up so that you are eating 5 or 6 small meals during the day instead of 3 larger ones. This will also help if you prevent spikes in your blood sugar and keep you feeling more energetic all day long.
  4. Whole carbohydrates. Our body needs carbs. It is the source of energy to keep our body fuelled. What our body doesn't need is refined carbs or empty calories. You should eliminate refined sugars and starches such as sweets and white bread, bagels, etc. And aim for whole grains, fruits and vegetables as your source of carbohydrates. Not only are these foods packed with energy, they are also loaded with nutrients and vitamins and they make you feel full longer.
  5. Don't forget dairy products. In the January 2003 American Society for Nutritional Sciences Journal of Nutrition conducted a study that shows that women who consumed a serving low-fat dairy products 3-4 times per day lost 70% more weight than those who skipped the dairy. Calcium and other substances found in dairy products speed up the metabolism making you burn off more excess fat at a faster rate.
  6. Add hot peppers to your diet. Capsicum, the ingredient that makes hot peppers spicy, can cause an increase in adrenaline. Thus you will be in "exercise" mode even when you are at rest. So add some spice to your life by tossing in a few hot peppers to your pot when cooking your evening meal.
  7. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is the most abused factor of healthy living. Not getting enough sleep every night can make you overweight no matter what you change in your lifestyle. There is a complex shift in hormones that occurs while we sleep. The body's metabolism is directly affected by the amount of sleep we get. You should aim for at 7-10 hours of sleep every night. Anything less than 7 hours and you will gain weight for no apparent reason. Studies have shown that people who consume the exact amount of calories and exercise the same amount are 33% more likely to experience major weight gain if they sleep less than 7 hours at night.
  8. Build muscle to burn fat. Muscle mass burns calories at a higher rate than fat mass does. So if you want to rev up your metabolism, you should build more muscle mass in your body. Include weight training in your exercise routine to build muscle. You do not have to look like a body builder, but having a well muscled skeletal system will mean that you will burn more calories when your body is at rest than you would without the increased muscle mass.

So, if you have any concerns that your body operates slower than it should than it used to, then with these lifestyle adjustments and a higher metabolism your health and wellness experience should be more enjoyable with improved fitness of your body.       



If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Weaver P O Box 300322 Houston, Texas 77230-0322 United States

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter

Hi Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter


This week, the newsletter is simply being sent to let you know that from next week it will cycle back round again to the first edition. By running in a continuous sequence like this, it means you will be able to read any issue you may have missed.

To review which ezines you have already read, here's the complete list:

1. How Brown Fat Helps Grow Healthy Hair: Part 1
2. How Brown Fat Helps Grow Healthy Hair: Part 2
3. Macronutrients For Hair Growth… And Loss!
4. Alliums - What Are They? And How Do They Help Hair Grow?
5. Wash or No Wash? Part 1
6. Wash or No Wash? Part 2
7. The Best Shampoo For Hair Growth
8. Hot or Cold?
9. How Dandruff Can Be Linked To Hair Loss
10. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
11. Other Causes Of Dandruff And How To Treat It
12. How Finasteride Treats the Secondary Effects of DHT
13. How Skull Expansion Explains Successful Hair Transplants
14. Magnetic Hair Loss Products

If you do not wish to receive any repeat editions, or prefer to remove yourself from this mailing list, simply click on the unsubscribe link below.

Best wishes,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

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Heathy 365 News - 3 Keys to a Younger Existence

My Newsletter


Dr. Seymour Weaver Logo
Presented by:

Dr. Seymour Weaver
Houston: (281) 395-7770
Katy: (281) 395-7770
Connect with Dr. Weaver
Recommended Products

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Total Solution Rejuvenating Cleansing Wash

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Recent Blog Posts

Liposuction- A Quick Way to Remove Unwanted Body Fat


Skin Rejuvenation- What Should You Do First?


Liposuction- 5 Ways Body Shaping Can Help Your Appearance


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Healthy 365 News

Issue # 11 - August 16, 2011

Update From Dr. Weaver

This past week marked the 29th anniversary of my dermatology practice here in Houston. 

As I reflect back on all that has taken place during this time period, I am grateful for the privilege of being able to help individuals improve their health and have a better quality of life.

The practice of medicine is a never ending process of learning, adapting to change, keeping up with professional advances, as well as rules and regulatory requirements.

Over this time period some treatments have stayed the same such as freezing warts with liquid nitrogen and others have become more sophisticated such as laser hair removal for unwanted hair.

My focus is and always will be on the individual who sits before me at the time of each examination and trying to come up with the best solution for their concern.  I am at my best with one on one interactions and problem solving. 

So, the treatment plan designed for each individual is created by referencing all of the past patients treated, what worked and what didn't work, older and newer technologies, as well as exploring undiscovered approaches to taking care of the concern at hand.

I would like to thank you as a subscriber for your support as I continue to expand my reach to helping individuals such as yourself  with medical concerns and healthy living through this email communication. 

Also, if you are also a dermatology patient, I look forward to helping you with your skin and hair concerns as the need arises during this year and many more to come.

Today's health tip is related to keeping focus on a younger existence.  I hope you find it to your liking.


Health Tip of the Week

Reverse Aging- 3 Keys to a Younger Existence

Many times during the course of an examination, I hear a comment from a patient that is about their perception of getting older.  The 29 year old feels that "30 will be old", the 39 year old feels like "40 will be old", the 49 year old feels that "50 will be old" and on and on.  For some reason, no one seems to ever mention 28, 37, 46 or 55 as ages that the next birthday causes them to feel older.  There is something special about those birthdays that end in zero. So, who is right and really old?  What thoughts entered your mind when you had your last birthday?

Here is the truth. Being old has nothing to do with age but rather it is a state of mind and body. You can age without getting old if you have the right attitude about life and your overall health.

Here are a few points I would like for you to consider.

The 3 keys to a younger existence:

  1. Keeping an open and active mind. One sure-fire way to be seen as old is to become "stuck in your ways". Everyone experiences change in a different way but keeping your mind open to new options and experiences will help you not get stuck in the past. We all remember times when things seemed simpler and less complicated than they are now, but change does not always mean an end to the "good old days". Stay involved with current events and make a commitment to yourself to learn something new every day. If you do this, you will learn to look at life with expectation and excitement for new things to come and you will spend less time lamenting about things that are no more. Make today one of the "good old days" you can look back on in the future.
  2. A body in motion stays in motion. Keeping your body in peak physical condition as you age will make all the difference in the world as to how old you feel. Sure, as you age you may not be able to keep up with the younger crowd anymore but it does not mean you need to become sedentary. Just keep doing the physical activities you enjoy or maybe take up a new activity to replace the one you cannot do anymore. Swimming, walking and hiking are all excellent forms of exercise that can be done at your own pace. The key is to keep your body moving so you stay healthy. You needn't be plagued with the typical "old folks" illnesses if you make sure you eat healthy foods and get plenty of exercise. You aren't ready for the rocking chair just yet!
  3. Retiring from work does not mean retiring from life. Get out there and be active in your community. This might mean joining an interest group, doing volunteer work, getting involved in charitable work or just having coffee at your local coffee shop every day. Do not allow yourself to withdraw to a solitary existence. Being retired means you have more time to socialize. The more time you spend with other people, the less likely you are to feel old. Getting involved with younger people will also help you stay young. Their outlook on life will help you better understand the changing world around you and help you feel more in touch with current events. If you have a bucket list of things you have always wanted to do, now is the time to do them!

The truth is that you control if and when you get old. Keep a sparkle in your eye and a spring in your step and you will never be old no matter what your age may be.


So, in review, the 3 points for today include

1)    Keeping an open and active mind

2)    Keeping your body active and fit

3)    Being socially active.

Which of these 3 factors do you think would be most beneficial for you to focus on?

Pick one and then think about the benefits you would enjoy if you were able to have a sharper active mind, a physically fit and energetic body, or a healthy active social network where you are able to share your gifts and talents.

Spend about 15 minutes outlining how you can improve that area of your life and then set up your action plan to do so. You know what comes next and that is to just get started and implement your plan until the goal you set is achieved.  Use 30, 60, or 90 days or whatever time period you like as the target date to reach your goal.

When finished with that area, then move on to the next key factor and implement a plan for that issue.  When you have finished the 3 areas, then go back to the first one you picked and start again and think of a new way to work on that area for the time period you selected.

Continuing to work on these areas will impact you in a way that your mind no longer associates birthdays with "getting or being old".  They will just become milestones as part of your enjoyable life with a younger existence!



If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Weaver P O Box 300322 Houston, Texas 77230-0322 United States

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Find What New At Rahasiacantik.com

Find What New At Rahasiacantik.com

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