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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Heathy 365 Newsletter from Dr Weaver-Why Diet Resistant Fat Develops

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Dr. Seymour Weaver
Houston: (281) 395-7770
Katy: (281) 395-7770
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Healthy 365 Newsletter

Issue # 6 - July 12, 2011

What's New with Dr. Weaver

Atlantis launch

This past week was the final launch of the space shuttle Atlantis, which marks the approaching end of an era for the NASA operations here in Clear Lake near Houston.

It causes me to think back on the time I graduated from high school and because of an interest in math, science, and engineering, I was offered the opportunity to have a summer internship at NASA.

The internship consisted of assisting one of the engineers who worked there on a variety of projects which included the Skylab and these funny looking drawings that eventually became the model for the space shuttle.  

There were various teams working on different aspects of the project and the engineer took trips to Huntsville, Alabama to meet with other engineers at another NASA facility to go over the drawings and figure out how these things were going to work.  I think the engineer even asked me to try to figure out some of the physics of the craft for the solar panels that were being used as an energy source, but I think he forgot I was a high school intern and not the college intern from Georgia Tech; the calculations were somewhat challenging to say the least.   

I remember taking home some of the drawings and doing something with the materials, but my actual duties during the internship are a distant memory, but I do remember being a little bit skeptical that these drawings were really going to turn into anything.  

Amazingly, three years after my internship the Skylab space station was put into orbit and soon there after the space shuttle had gone from funny drawings to a real flight vehicle that transported astronauts into space.  

So, what's my point?  Everything that happened at NASA started as an idea in someone's mind.  The ideas came first and next through trial, error, and experimentation successful reality emerged.  

The same can be said for advances that are being made in the field of anti-aging medicine and longevity.  With a focus on the idea of protecting health and improving the quality of ongoing life, some of what we think is impossible will become possible. 

Ideas come first and reality comes second. 

 What ideas do you have that need to be planted, cultivated, and harvested?  Write them out on paper and get started today.  Then reality can follow!



Dr. Weaver's Health Tip of the Week

Why Diet Resistant Fat Develops

and What to Do About It!

Have you tried every diet known to man and still have stubborn love handles that just will not go away? Do you exercise daily yet still have abdominal or body fat that just won't go away?

If so, you need to know that some fatty deposits are resistant to being removed through diet and exercise alone. It has nothing to do with being fat but it is because of your genes and hormonal factors.

To understand why some fat cells are resistant to dieting you must first understand how and when fat cells develop in our bodies. When we are babies and when we are pre-pubescent are the only two times when the actual numbers of fat cells in our bodies increase. This is why babies have "baby fat" and why we often get a bit chubby just before reaching puberty. The distribution of those fat cells is mainly genetic and cannot be changed. At no other time in our lives will we ever "grow" more fat cells, unless we go on massive high calorie binges.

Fat cells have two types of receptors that control their presence:  Alpha receptors which cause fat cells to stay present and Beta receptors that signal fat cells to break down and provide fuel for energy.  Hormonal input from the body can cause an increase or decrease in fat metabolism and it is primarily the cells with Beta receptors that increase or decrease in size with weight gain or loss and exercise. 



Fat cells with more Alpha than Beta receptors tend to be more resistant to diet and physical activity so they tend to hang around no matter what.  In ladies, fat cells in the middle portions of the body also contain estrogen receptors which help balance fat distribution during pregnancy to give the body more support, but can also contribute to diet resistant fat deposits in the same areas that will persist unrelated to pregnancy.

When we become overweight, it is because we are increasing the size of our existing fat cells, not because we are increasing their numbers. When we take in more calories than we can burn, the excess is stored in our fat cells making them grow larger and larger and making us obese. When we go on a diet to lose weight, we are not shedding fat cells; we are simply shrinking them back down to normal size.  The fat cells with Beta Receptors get smaller and the ones with Alpha receptors lag behind.

For some people who are genetically predisposed to having a large number of fat cells or to having a large number of fat cells concentrated in specific areas such as the abdomen, thighs or chin, it is not possible to get the slim look they desire because of this genetic distribution of the fat cells plus an increase in Alpha or Estrogen receptors. In these instances, no amount of dieting or exercise will ever get rid of that paunch or bulge of fat.

Does this mean you have to settle for having a bulging tummy, double chin or large thighs for the rest of your life? Not necessarily.

The only way to get rid of it is to actually decrease the number of fat cells that are stored in the subcutaneous layer which can be accomplished with a variety of body shaping procedures.

One of the most effective procedures is tumescent liposuction, which is a procedure that can be done by a qualified dermatologist.

During the liposuction procedure, after local anesthesia is infiltrated into the area, your doctor will insert a small tube, known as a cannula, into the fatty deposit in the subcutaneous layer of your skin and remove the excess fat cells in these specific areas.

So, those stubborn fat cells with Beta and Estrogen receptors can finally be removed and this will help you achieve the slim and trim appearance you desire that you will never been able to achieve through normal diet and exercise.

Modern technology has advanced the liposuction procedure to the point where it can be performed in the dermatologist's office under local anesthetic. Risks are minimal for healthy individuals and recovery time has been reduced.

If you are someone who is genetically predisposed to being overweight, and you want to learn more about this procedure, you can get instant access to Dr. Weaver's free report, "Consumer's Guide to Liposuction and Body Shaping-Get The Body You Want", by going to http://LiposuctionHoustonTx.com.

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