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Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter

How Dandruff Can Be
Linked To Hair Loss

There are several possible causes of dandruff.

These include:
  • Dry skin
  • Adverse reaction to hair and skin products
  • Skin disorders (e.g., psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis)
  • Head lice infestation
  • Poor diet
  • Yeast sensitivity

However, dandruff can also be linked to hair loss resulting from androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness).

Dandruff is sometimes connected to hair loss. Note: if your email provider does not support html, you won't be able to see this image.

Here's the connection between dandruff and the hair loss process:

First of all, androgenetic alopecia is caused by skull expansion (skull bone growth) of the frontal and parietal bones. These bones underlie the male pattern baldness region of the scalp and so, as they grow, they constrict the capillaries that supply blood to the skin. This prevents adequate hair nutrition and growth, resulting in progressive hair follicle miniaturization and hair loss.

The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is largely responsible for this bone growth. That's because it has an anabolic effect on bone tissue (i.e., it encourages bone growth).

To make matters worse, the body then attempts to compensate for this hair loss by increasing DHT levels in the scalp! It initiates this process (known as "upregulation") because DHT also stimulates hair growth (for example during puberty DHT is responsible for body and pubic hair growth as well as bone and muscle development).

However, this attempt to increase hair growth is unsuccessful. There are two likely reasons for this:

1. An increase in DHT levels will further encourage the skull expansion process. This, of course, causes an even greater strain on the blood supply to the hair follicles. And so a vicious circle is created.

2. The body will rush through anagen (the growing phase of the hair growth cycle) and enter catagen (shedding phase) and then telogen (resting phase) much sooner than it normally would. This causes the hair to thin and the rate of hair loss to increase. And, whilst this hair should eventually re-enter anagen and start growing again, strong, healthy hair growth is unlikely due to the progressive effects of skull expansion.

Since hair growth in the outer (dermal) layer of the scalp has been restricted, DHT will instead promote more rapid cell growth at a deeper level of the scalp (called the stratum germinatum layer).

This interference with normal cell division results in skin cells rising up towards the surface of the skin faster than normal, causing increased shedding of the skin - dandruff.

And, as a result of this increased rate of shedding, the skin layer can also become thinner (i.e., because it's being lost at the surface faster than it can be replaced from below).

High DHT levels will also stimulate an increase in the amount of sebum (oil) produced in the scalp. And high sebum levels is associated with seborrhoeic dermatitis - a skin disorder which can cause even more dandruff!

As extensive baldness develops, the rate of dandruff formation should eventually decrease and finally stop. That's because the follicles are only producing vellus (tiny) hair or no hair at all. And, when hair growth has all but stopped, the body will recognize this and reduce (downregulate) DHT and sebum production.

If you suffer dandruff as a result of hair loss (caused by androgenetic alopecia) it may be that by addressing your hair loss problem, you will also be able to reduce or prevent your dandruff.

I believe the most effective way to treat hair loss is to treat the underlying cause - skull expansion. Many men and women are now using the techniques I developed to successfully stop their hair loss and restore normal hair growth again. You can learn about whether these techniques can help you by reading the following page:


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Next issue: Seborrhoeic dermatitis and how to treat it.

See you next week,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

P.S. This newsletter runs in a continuous sequence. This means that any issue you might have missed will cycle back round again in about 15 weeks.

Copyright © Paul Taylor 2011

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Heathy 365 Newsletter from Dr Weaver-Summer Hair Care Tips


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Issues of this newsletter include tips for healthy skin and hair, plus wellness information and updates about Dr. Weaver in his pursuits as your wellness consultant.



Read the information over the next few minutes and feel free to provide feedback or let us know of topics you would like to have covered.  Also, feel free to forward it to a friend.

What's New with Dr. W?  

This past week one of the patients who came in for a visit was a 69 year old female with a history of hair loss and soreness for the past 3 months.

She reported that she had used a medication on the scalp prescribed by her family physician and the problem did not go away, so she subsequently went to a dermatologist. 

Again, the medication prescribed did not work, so one of her church members referred her to me and during the course of her examination, I noticed the presence of scaly areas and broken off hair.  Upon microscopic evaluation of her hair, I was able to diagnose her problem as a fungal infection of the scalp.

However, this was somewhat unusual since it would be more common to see this problem in a 6 year old or 9 year old rather than a 69 year old individual.

It was a reminder to always be on the alert and expect the unexpected.  This is a regular part of dermatology. 

I can remember back to when I first started practice and attended a dermatology society meeting where unusual cases were presented in a group setting, and one of the dermatologists there made the statement, "I have been in practice for forty years and I have never seen this before".

Well, now I have been practicing for close to 30 years and I know to still be on the lookout for the unexpected.

Healthy 365 Tip of The Week - Summer Hair Care Tips

Recently I was asked, "Which products can you recommend for dry hair in this long, hot Houston summer?" That is a very good question and one that not many people think to ask. While we all know how important it is to use sunscreen to protect our skin, we do not often think about the effects of the sun on our hair.

The summer heat can dry the hair much the same way that blow dryers and curling irons do. The stronger UV rays also penetrate the hair shaft and damage the melanin or pigment of your hair. This is visible in the "sun bleached" effect you see as your hair becomes lighter with prolonged exposure to the sun. Unless you take precautions to protect your hair, it can become dry, frizzy,  brittle and harder to manage.

The most obvious way to protect your hair is to decrease the amount of time it is exposed to damaging UV rays by wearing a hat as much as possible. This is especially helpful mid-day when the sun is the hottest. For times when it is not possible to keep your hair covered, using an SPF sunscreen for your hair is recommended.

Although there are some shampoos and conditioners that claim to have SPF properties, they are not as effective because you must rinse them off. The best products are leave in conditioners that contain sunscreen. Quintessence Q-Sunshade Leave In Hair Conditioner and Scalp Protectant SPF 30 has one of the highest SPF ratings of any of the prepared hair care products I have found.

Alternatively, you can make your own sunscreen for your hair and scalp. Simply dilute a couple of teaspoons of your favourite sunscreen product with water in a spray bottle. Spritz it into your freshly washed hair before styling. Carry a small misting bottle of this mixture with you and apply another light spray to your hair if you plan to be in the sun for an extended period of time the same way you would apply additional sunscreen to your skin.

Once per week you should use a clarifying shampoo to remove any build up of sunscreen from your hair. At this time, it is also a good idea to do a deep conditioning treatment to replenish some of the moisture lost. One of the best deep conditioning treatments for your hair is a hot oil treatment. You can make your own using olive oil, jasmine oil or jojoba oil and vitamin E. Just poke a couple of vitamin E tablets with a pin and squeeze them into a ¼ or ½ cup of oil and mix with a small amount of very hot water in a jar. Put on the lid and shake to emulsify the oil. Place on your hair while still warm. Place a plastic cap or plastic wrap around your hair and leave in for a minimum of 30 minutes. If you can leave this on your hair overnight it is even better. After the treatment, wash your hair and style as usual. You will find your hair to be smooth and shiny and appear full of life again.

Damaged Hair It is important to understand that you cannot completely repair hair once it is damaged. All you can do is prevent further damage and help to make the damaged hair more manageable. Hair has a top layer that resembles scales. In healthy hair the scales lay flat and the hair strands appear smooth and shiny. In damaged hair these scales will curl making the hair appear frizzy and brittle and full of split ends. Deep conditioners can help to coat the hair to make it appear smooth again, but it cannot fully cure the damage. Only cutting the hair to remove the damage will completely get rid of it. Therefore, using the sunscreen and keeping your hair covered whenever possible is the only way to prevent the damage from happening in the first place.

One last recommendation that was passed along to me from a chemist who has formulated dozens of hair products over the years is to use a dime sized amount of "Downy Fabric Softener" twice a week to condition the hair.  You will be amazed with the results.  Try it for yourself and you will see.

Recent Articles - Click on The Topics Below to Read More


What Does Sleep Have to do With Weight Loss?


Seymour M. Weaver, III, M.D.

Board Certified Dermatologist


If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
Weaver P O Box 300322 Houston, Texas 77230-0322 United States

Recommended Hair Products to Protect Your Hair from the Damaging Heat of Summer

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Urus Tekanan Darah Anda - dari Laman Kesihatan

Urus Tekanan Darah Anda - dari Laman Kesihatan

Urus Tekanan Darah Anda

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 06:30 AM PDT

Mengapa Urus Tekanan Darah

Tekanan darah tinggi adalah faktor paling jelas bagi penyakit jantung. Apabila tekanan darah anda berada dalam julat yang sihat, anda akan mengurangkan tekanan pada jantung, arteri dan buah pinggang anda yang mana menjadikan anda lebih sihat lebih lama.

Periksa tekanan darah anda.Tekanan darah tinggi, yang juga dikenali sebagai hipertensi, bermaksud darah yang mengalir dalam arteri anda mengalir dengan daya yang terlalu tinggi dan memberi tekanan kepada arteri anda, meregangkannya melampaui hadnya yang sihat dan menyebabkan koyakan mikroskopik (koyakan halus). Badan kita kemudiannya bertukar kepada mod penyembuhan untuk membaiki koyakan ini dengan tisu parut. Namun malangnya, tisu parut ini memerangkap plak dan sel-sel darah putih yang boleh membentuk sumbatan, darah beku, dan arteri yang mengeras dan lemah.

Dengan mengekalkan tekanan darah anda dalam julat yang sihat, anda:
  1. Mengurangkan risiko untuk melampau regangkan atau mencederakan dinding salur darah anda.
  2. Mengurangkan risiko sumbatan yang juga melindungi jantung dan otak anda.
  3. Melindungi seluruh badan anda agar tisu-tisu anda mendapat bekalan tetap darah yang kaya dengan oksigen yang diperlukannya.

Apakah Akibat Tekanan Darah Tinggi?

Tekanan darah tinggi yang tidak terkawal boleh mencederakan atau membunuh anda. Ianya adakalanya digelar "pembunuh senyap" kerana ia tiada tanda. Lebih kurang 80% penduduk dunia pernah mendapat hipertensi dalam hidup mereka dan satu daripada tiga orang dewasa mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi, namun, ramai yang tidak menyedari mendapatnya. Tekanan darah tinggi yang tidak terkawal membunuh ramai orang dan mendatangkan huru-hara pada banyak mereka yang masih hidup dengan menyebabkan penyakit jantung dan angin ahmar (strok).

Sumbatan dan darah beku bermakna kurang darah dapat sampai ke organ-organ penting kita, dan tanpa darah, tisu-tisu mati. Itulah sebabnya tekanan darah tinggi boleh membawa kepada angin ahmar, serangan jantung, kegagalan buah pinggang, malah kegagalan jantung.

Apa Yang Boleh Saya Lakukan Untuk Mengurangkan Tekanan Darah Saya?

Ini satu berita baik! Tekanan darah tinggi adalah boleh diurus. Tidak kira tekanan darah anda adalah tinggi atau normal (normal adalah kurang daripada 120 mm Hg sistolik DAN kurang daripada 80mm Hg diastolic atau <120/80) pengubahsuaian gaya hidup di bawah memberi pelan hidup jantung-sihat yang hebat untuk kita semua.

Tambahan lagi, perubahan-perubahan ini boleh menurunkan tekanan darah anda tanpa menggunakan sebarang ubat preskripsi:

- makan makanan yang sihat-jantung, yang merangkumi pengurangan garam dalam makanan;
- menikmati aktiviti fizikal tetap dan mengekalkan berat yang sihat;
- mengurus tekanan, tidak mengambil alkohol, dan mengelak asap tembakau.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Find What New At Rahasiacantik.com

Find What New At Rahasiacantik.com

Anosa Bust Up Patch


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Shill Whitening Acne Care Body Spray


Size    : 150 ml Price : Rp 275.000 Bagian tubuh berjerawat dan berbintik – bintik komedo ? Shill Whitening Acne Care Body Spray dihadirkan untuk anda yang memiliki masalah jerawat di punggung,...

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Shill Dual Effect 3D Refining Stick


Size    : 2 stick Price : Rp 225.000 Ingin wajah terlihat mulus dan ramping ? Shills Dual Stick 3D refining Stick menciptakan efek 3D pada wajah yang membuat wajah menjadi terlihat lebih mulus dan...

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Shill Super Slim Body Lifting Gel


Size    : 150 ml Price : Rp 300.000 Ingin membakar timbunan lemak pada bagian tubuh tertentu? SHILLS Super Body Lifting Gel mengandung 3x essence anti selulit + 2x lebih efektif untuk mengencangkan...

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Shill 3D Miracle Lift Facial Lifting Serum


Size    : 30 ml Price : Rp 250.000 Ingin melangsingkan wajah, mengurangi dagu berlipat ataupun wajah yang kendur? Tidak masalah ! Kini hadir produk SHILLS yang ditunggu para wanita. Shills 3D Miracle...

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Thursday, 23 June 2011

Find What New At Rahasiacantik.com

Find What New At Rahasiacantik.com

Shangpree Crystal BB Cream


Size    : 50 ml Price : Rp 400.000 Shangpree BB Cream memiliki tekstur yang begitu lembut dan ringan di kulit, memiliki fungsi memutihkan & mencerahkan kulit, mengencangkan kulit, anti penuaan...

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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter

Hot or cold?

When it comes to hair loss, there are dozens of things you can try to help restore healthy hair growth. Even making several small changes might all add up to give a beneficial effect.

So this newsletter focuses on one such idea: Should you wash your hair using hot water or cold water? Or does it make absolutely no difference at all?

Can these water temperature ideas increase blood flow to the scalp and improve hair growth? And if so, which one works best?

Well first of all, it's important to keep things in perspective: any increase in circulation achieved in this way will only be for a short time. As your body quickly restores its normal temperature, it will also restore its normal blood flow in the capillaries of your scalp.

Only warm or cool water should be used to wash and rinse your hair, not hot or cold. Very hot water will burn and damage your skin which, quite obviously, won't help your hair at all. And any beneficial effect freezing cold water might have will almost certainly be achieved using cooler water which will be a lot easier to tolerate.

Heat dilates blood vessels. This causes blood to rush to the skin (which is obviously good for hair growth). Dilated blood vessels also allow the body to reduce the temperature back to normal through evaporation of sweat from the skin.

Cold constricts blood vessels. This reduces blood flow to your skin and causes blood to rush to your internal organs. However, it will also flush blood through the blood vessels of your skin leaving it oxygenated (which is obviously good for hair growth).

So you can see that both warm and cool water may help scalp circulation to a small extent.

There are other effects of water temperature that you should also be aware of:

Warm water will open up the cuticle (outer layer of the hair shaft) and may give the appearance of slightly thicker hair. It should also be noted that naturally thick hair is a genetically determined factor - the more layers of scales the cuticle has, the thicker your hair will be. From the top edge in the diagram below you can just about count six scale layers in the cuticle of this example.

Hair cross section.

Cool water will close the cuticle. This can increase the strength of the hair and add shine to its appearance. And, by closing the cuticle, it will seal in any conditioner you use. Cool water might also help constrict the sebaceous gland openings - this can help reduce sebum production and slow down the rate at which your hair gets greasy.

So now you know all about the effects of temperature on hair, which one should you choose? Warm or cool?

Many hair stylists recommend a warm wash followed by a cool rinse, so this is probably the best way to look after your hair.

But, whether you use warm or cool, hard water or soft water, wash daily or only once a week (or any other variable you can think of) I don't believe any of these things will either help or hinder hair growth to any significant extent. Someone with strong hair growth will continue to grow hair regardless of these factors. And someone with hair loss will probably continue to lose hair unless the underlying cause is addressed.

The underlying cause of androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness) is skull bone growth as reported in the journal Medical Hypotheses (Volume 72, January 2009, Issue 1, Pages 23-28). This discovery helped me develop techniques that saved my hair.

You can try these techniques yourself and save $5 on the usual purchase price of $29.95 by using the special offer link inside my free ebook:

Click Here to download free ebook.

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Next issue: How dandruff can be linked to hair loss

See you next week,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

P.S. This newsletter runs in a continuous sequence. This means that any issue you might have missed will cycle back round again in about 15 weeks.

Copyright © Paul Taylor 2011

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Heathy 365 Newsletter from Dr Weaver-Hair Growth Tips and New Articles


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Issues of this newsletter include tips for healthy skin and hair, plus wellness information and updates about Dr. Weaver in his pursuits as your wellness consultant.



Read the information over the next few minutes and feel free to provide feedback or let us know of topics you would like to have covered.  Also, feel free to forward it to a friend.

What's New with Dr. W?  

During this past week, a patient asked how I became interested in dermatology. 

I reflected back on a decision I made over 30 years ago before lasers, before fillers, before Botox, and at a time that in many ways, dermatology was an unknown specialty.

Most of my classmates and friends at Baylor College of Medicine were surprised when I told them I was going into dermatology since this school was famous for heart surgery and a number of other specialties with entire buildings devoted to their services.

The dermatology department was located in the basement of the administration building with a clinic on the first floor.  If you were not intentionally looking for it, you would never know it was there, which was true for many of my classmates. 

As senior medical students we were required to participate in a course called "Ambulatory Medicine" which involved rotating between outpatient clinics for a number of specialties, including dermatology. 

For the dermatology rotation on our first day, we visited the county dermatology clinic where a group of at least 40 individuals with a variety of skin disorders were assembled for learning purposes by the medical students.  Something happened to me when I saw the variety of skin concerns present in this group, including a man with fire ant bites I can still visualize today.  I was compelled to learn more.

While a medical student, I subsequently took 2 additional electives with the dermatology department at Baylor and another month at the VA Hospital in Long Beach, California which led to my pursuit of dermatology training in Southern California. 

I subsequently returned to Houston to set up practice and have provided care to over 100,000 patients in close to 30 years.  When I think back over the number of people who have come to me for care, I am humbled.

I still enjoy the specialty and enjoy continued learning of the new advances and using them to help patients on a daily basis. 

Healthy 365 Tip of The Week - What Does It Mean When Hair Won't Grow?

On two occasions in the past several weeks I have had patients come in for a complaint that their hair would not grow. 

One was a 2 year old girl with very short hair at the back of her scalp.

The second was a 12 year old girl with hair that was shorter all over.

In both cases, microscopic examination of the hair revealed fractured hair shafts in multiple places characteristic of a condition called Trichorrhexis Nodosa. 


This hair disorder is associated with weakening of the hair shafts in focal areas and can occur as a result of damage from grooming and styling techniques or sometimes hereditary or metabolic factors.

It is important to make sure that any associated inflammation on the scalp is treated with medications such as topical steroids and that the damaged hair is repaired using hair strengtheners and conditioners until new hair growth can occur.

If you have problems with hair that just won't grow it might be wise to get it evaluated, since it can persist for years if not corrected.

Recent Articles - Click on The Topics Below to Read More

Celebrities in Bikinis ? How They Get Ready for the Hidden Camera

Laser Hair Removal for Unwanted Hair- Quickly Eliminate the Bother of Unwanted Hair

Why You Need a Dermatologist

Anti-Aging Skin Treatments to Keep You Happy With What You See in The Mirror

What Is A Good Body Mass Index (BMI) and How Do You Measure Up?


Seymour M. Weaver, III, M.D.

Board Certified Dermatologist


If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:
Weaver P O Box 300322 Houston, Texas 77230-0322 United States

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter

The Best Shampoo
For Hair Growth

What's the best shampoo to use for healthy hair growth?
And are there any types of shampoo you should avoid?

Well, first of all, if you read the last newsletter, you'll understand why I believe that anyone who suffers hair loss should shampoo quite frequently, perhaps even every day.

Obviously this means using a frequent use shampoo since these are less likely to contain the harsh chemicals that might strip the cuticle (outer layer of your hair) or slowly accumulate within your scalp.

So, what are the "harsh chemicals" that you should avoid?

The following list of ingredients can commonly be found in any type of shampoo.

All these ingredients are potentially harmful to the health of your hair!

Also included are the possible side effects associated with each ingredient, so you might want to check your own shampoo with this list - even those products the manufacturer's claim will promote hair growth might still contain some of these substances.

  • Benzophenone-3 - protects shampoo from sun exposure.
    Contact dermatitis, photosensitivity (lack of tolerance to the sun).

  • Benzyl alcohol - a preservative.
    Skin irritant (contact dermatitis). Harmful if swallowed.

  • Cocamidopropyl betaine - a foaming agent.
    Skin irritant (contact dermatitis and contact allergies). May form carcinogenic nitrosamines.

  • Cocamide mea - an emulsifier.
    Skin irritant (contact dermatitis and contact allergies). May form carcinogenic nitrosamines.

  • Dmdm hydantoin - a preservative.
    Skin irritant (contact dermatitis and contact allergies). May form carcinogenic formaldehyde.

  • Etidronic acid - a stabilizer.
    Reduces fertility in women. Causes problems during pregnancy.

  • Linalool - a scent.
    Facial psoriasis. Respiratory problems.

  • Parabens - a preservative.
    estrogenic activity (possible hormone disruption).

  • Propylene glycol - prevents shampoo from drying out.
    Carries chemicals deep into the skin. Alters skin structure/inhibits cell growth.

  • Sodium benzoate - a preservative.
    Asthma, skin allergies and affects those with aspirin sensitivities.

  • Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) - a foaming agent.
    Removes the skins natural oils causing severe dryness. Eye irritant. Inhibits hair growth.

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) - removes oils.
    Allows chemicals to pass deep into the skin. Corrodes hair follicles. Inhibits hair growth.

So, given all this information, it might be wise to use an organic, frequent use, herbal shampoo instead.

And you might also want to consider using different types of organic shampoo on alternate wash days. This will give your body a short break from specific ingredients and so prevent your body desensitizing to any beneficial effects they have.

It should be noted that those who keep their hair throughout life and never suffer permanent hair loss, will probably do so regardless of what shampoo they use or how frequently they use it. The chemicals in normal shampoos might not help their hair grow, but it's the strong scalp circulation that keeps it growing - and nothing to do with the type of shampoo they use.

However, given the potential these chemicals have to harm us in other ways, maybe this should encourage everyone to play it safe and stop using these products. And, if everyone did this, perhaps the major manufacturers might eventually listen and start using organic ingredients instead.

Whilst I believe everyone should use an organic shampoo, I don't think there's any particular type that's better than any other. However, greasy hair will require a more acidic shampoo, so if this applies to you, a citrus-based product might be worth trying (and it may also help reduce DHT levels).

I'm sure there's no shampoo that can grow back lost hair all on its own, but I do believe that any organic shampoo might help hair grow to some extent by removing contact with these potentially dangerous chemicals.

Whatever you choose to use, I hope it helps.

To research the most popular hair loss shampoos, use the link below:


Read the following page to learn how I ended my own hair loss and successfully restored normal hair growth again:


Next issue: Hot or Cold?

See you next week,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

P.S. This newsletter runs in a continuous sequence. This means that any issue you might have missed will cycle back round again in about 15 weeks.

Copyright © Paul Taylor 2011

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