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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter


Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

In the last newsletter, I explained how dandruff can sometimes be linked to hair loss. I also mentioned that dihydrotestosterone (DHT) will increase sebum production which might then lead on to seborrhoeic dermatitis - a skin disorder which can cause even more dandruff!

So, in this newsletter I'll explain more about seborrhoeic dermatitis, as well as other causes of dandruff, and how to treat it.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a skin disorder that can affect the scalp, face and trunk. Symptoms include scaly, flaky, itchy, red or inflamed skin as you can see from the picture below. When it affects the scalp it can also cause severe dandruff (usually forming larger, greasier flakes than other types of dandruff).

Seborrhoeic dermatitis. Note: if your email provider does not support html, you won't be able to see this image.

Whilst its cause remains unknown, there are several possible factors that may be involved: genetic, environmental, hormonal and the immune system.

However, perhaps the most likely cause is the yeast (or fungus) called malassezia furfur* (which was formerly known as pityrosporum ovale). It's possible that an inflammatory response to this yeast might occur.

Research also suggests that, since seborrhoeic dermatitis mostly affects areas where sebaceous glands are abundant (i.e., the scalp), this yeast feeds upon the sebum these glands produce, allowing it to proliferate.

This theory is also supported by the fact that anti-fungal agents have proven effective against this condition. This yeast usually exists on your body and scalp all the time without causing any problems. So it may well be that a combination of high sebum levels and inadequate washing is what triggers this condition.

Malassezia cannot live in acidic (low pH) conditions. Skin has a slightly acidic pH of 5. But, oils (including sebum) do not have a pH value. So, if your scalp is constantly saturated in sebum, your scalp may be open to the spread of seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Shampoos can vary in pH between 4 and 8.5 but anti-dandruff shampoos should be low in pH.

* Note that other strains of malassezia (globosa and restricta) have also been linked to seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Anti-fungal shampoos

The anti-fungal agents these shampoos contain include:

  • Ketoconazole
  • Zinc pyrithione
  • Selenium sulphide
  • Coal tar
  • Salicylic acid
  • Tea-tree oil

Salicylic acid will remove dead skin cells and decrease the rate at which they form. Zinc pyrithione kills malassezia furfur. Selenium sulfide and Ketoconazole will each accomplish what salicylic acid and zinc pyrithione achieve combined. Research suggests that Nizoral shampoo (which contains Ketoconazole) Is the most effective anti-fungal shampoo.

To find out more about Nizoral shampoo, visit:

Note: if your email provider does not support html, just copy and paste the links above into your browser address bar.

Next issue: Other Causes of Dandruff and How to Treat it

See you next week,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

P.S. This newsletter runs in a continuous sequence. This means that any issue you might have missed will cycle back round again in about 15 weeks.

Copyright © Paul Taylor 2011

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Heathy 365 News - 5 Reasons You Need To Take Anti-Aging Supplements

My Newsletter


Dr. Seymour Weaver Logo


Healthy 365 News 

Issue # 21 - Oct. 25, 2011


Receive daily tips from Dr. W



 Update From Dr. Weaver

Hello Readers,

You are probably aware that people are living longer and longer and with more and more medical advances such as heart bypass surgery, angioplasties, and stents to name a few, there are more and more procedures available to save and prolong lives.

But there is a problem.  These advances come with a cost and as health care dollars become more and more scarce, there could come a time when you face rationing of health care resources so that you have to wait your turn for these procedures because the health care system only has so many dollars available for treatment of the population.

One other alternative you might want to consider is making lifestyle adjustments that would decrease the likelihood that you would need these new and more expensive procedures.

One of the ways to do so is to add nutritional supplements to your regimen and help reduce the risk of a number of health concerns.

The following information provides tips about anti-aging supplements which you should find useful.

Dr. W

Health Tip of the Week

Anti-Aging Supplements- 5 Reasons You Need to Take Them

Your skin reflects your inner well-being. As such, your anti-aging regime should start from the inside out. Begin by providing your body with nutrients that are known to slow the aging process, maintain overall good health and promote longevity. In the 1990s major studies were conducted on antioxidants and analysis of foods to determine their specific chemical makeup and their benefits to our health.

What causes our bodies to age?

To understand how supplements and antioxidants can reverse aging you must understand what aging really is. In short, it is caused by damaged cells. Every year our cells and immune system are exposed to chemicals, the environment and other harmful elements. The more exposure we get, the more damage we incur and the older we begin to look. Degenerative diseases (diseases of old age) such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and Alzheimer's are often the result of the cumulative effects of life's stressors on our immune system, nervous system and our DNA.

We are born with the ability to regenerate healthy cells to replace damaged ones at a fairly rapid rate. As we age, this ability slows and often becomes impaired. Often our metabolism becomes less effective so we may not absorb as much of the nutrients from our food as we did in our youth. As we age we also build up free radicals in our system. Free radicals are now linked to damage to our DNA leaving us open to the illnesses mentioned above.

The introduction of antioxidants and anti-aging supplements to your diet can reverse this aging process by giving your cells additional nutrients specifically to aid them in repairing themselves at a more rapid rate as well as neutralizing the free radicals in our body.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are the by-products of our exposure to pollution, smoking, chemicals and toxins found in cleaners and pesticides and a variety of other hazards we are exposed to every day of our lives. Even the oxygen we need to survive will create free radicals so it is impossible to completely prevent them from happening but we can stop the damage they do.

Free radicals are unstable atoms and molecules that float around in our bodies and are responsible for aging, tissue damage and are often associated with degenerative diseases. They are unstable because they contain an odd number of electrons. Their main goal is to stabilize themselves. They do this by attaching to and stealing electrons from healthy cells. The cells they have stolen from now become free radicals themselves and this whole process will just continue to snowball until significant damage is done.

According to the world renowned cell biologist, Dr Lester Packer, PhD, "Scientists now believe that free radicals are causal factors in nearly every known disease, from heart disease to arthritis to cancer to cataracts. In fact, free radicals are a major culprit in the aging process itself."

What are antioxidants and how do they work?

Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals or plant chemicals found in fruits, vegetables and nuts. Generally speaking they are the chemicals that give plants their colors. Lutein makes corn yellow, lycopene makes tomatoes red, carotene makes carrots orange, resveratol makes grapes purple and anthocyanins make blueberries blue. Those fruits and vegetables that have the most color generally provide you with the most antioxidants.

These phytochemicals are the substances that protect plants from the harsh effects of the sun, viruses, bacteria and fungal infections. When we eat these foods they provide the same protection for our bodies. Each phytochemical plays a different role in preventing disease so it is important to consume a wide variety of them for optimal effect.

Antioxidants help to reduce free radicals by providing a ready supply of electrons they can bind to instead of your healthy cells. The more antioxidant rich foods and supplements you take in, the less unstable free radicals you will have floating around in your body causing damage. This results in a significant reduction in your risk of developing degenerative diseases, slowed aging and an increase in longevity.

Which antioxidant supplements should you take?

First you should aim for a balanced diet containing lots of antioxidant-rich foods such as:

  • Vitamin C: oranges and grapefruit, red sweet peppers, kiwi, and strawberries
  • Vitamin E: cereals, sunflower seeds, almonds, vegetable oil, turnip greens, tomato paste, and fish liver oil
  • Lipoic acid: organ meats, broccoli, spinach, and extract of yeast
  • Glutathione: asparagus, garlic, whey powder
  • Carotene: sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, mango, apricots, chard, spinach, turnip and collard greens, and broccoli
  • CoQ10: the skin of fresh mackerel and herring
  • Polyphenol: all kinds of berries such as acai berries, blueberries and coffee berry as well as red or purple grapes, green tea, red wine, olive oil, and chocolate.

Since the majority of us are fruit and vegetable challenged, taking supplements is a good way to ensure that you get lots of antioxidants in your diet in sufficient amounts on a daily basis.

5 reasons you need to take antioxidant or anti-aging supplements:

  1. Cancer and degenerative disease prevention
  2. Slow the aging process and increase longevity
  3. Reduce inflammatory diseases and improved joint health
  4. Preventing Alzheimer's disease and improved brain health
  5. Boosted immune system to prevent viruses

Now that you know the reasons you should take anti-aging supplements, how should you get started?

You could just go to the health food store and the super market and randomly pick and choose which would probably work to a certain degree.  Or you could get professional input and get a specialized program put together.

If you are interested in the latter, CLICK HERE to get your personalized anti-aging supplements profile.  You will be forwarded a series of questions to answer and once the answers are reviewed, you will receive your individualized recommendations.



Read Dr. Weaver's Latest Blog Posts

How to Improve Your Health with the Power of Visualization

Winter is Coming- Here Are 5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Illness

Restore Your Health and Energy In Spite of Your Age


discussion.gifRestore Your Health and Energy In Spite of Your Age 

There is a saying that youth is wasted upon the young.  Ongoing research into the areas of health, wellness, and anti-aging might one day lead to a change in this statement so that perpetual youthful energy and vibrancy is still a possibility at any age.

While this might sound a little bit far fetched, it is becoming more and more of a possibility as each day goes by.  But, to tap into this realm of existence requires discipline, focused activity, with a specific purpose and target in mind.  So, I would like to ask you a question.

Is age starting to catch up with you?  Do you have less energy or vitality than you had when you were 5, 10, or 20 years younger?  Well if so, you don't have to feel like the Lone Ranger. 

As we age our body starts to not operate as well as it once did.  There are a lot of reasons for this.  Research into the aging process shows that metabolic changes take place within all of the cells of the body and a particular decrease is noticed in structures called "mitochondria" which are the energy reservoirs.  Muscle cells contain the highest concentration of mitochondria, especially cardiac muscle which is found in the heart.  While it is inevitable that these changes will take place, there are two things in particular you can do to make things better: follow a healthy diet or eating plan and exercise.

We'll start with exercise.  I know that most of us don't really always enjoy exercise; however there are fun ways that you can do it.  You can always grab an MP3 player and load up your favorite music or even an audio book and go for a walk.  It doesn't have to be a long walk in the beginning.  Just a walk around the block might be all you can do.  That's better than nothing though.

Perhaps for exercise you can find something that you like to do for fun.  For example, swimming is one of the best forms of exercise out there, working almost all parts of your body.  Simply getting out and playing a game can start you out with some exercise that is more enjoyable.  Get out and shoot some hoops with your kids or nephews or nieces.  Whatever you choose to do, try to get out and do it frequently and build a habit of doing some form of exercise.  Thirty minutes of exercise three days per week can have a big impact on your energy level as well as improve sleep habits, and how your body processes the food you eat.

When it comes to diet and eating healthy, there are lots of things to consider there as well.  Allergies are one of the biggest such as gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance; the other consideration is whether or not you have a disease of some sort such as diabetes or high blood pressure.  If either of these is true, you need a little consultation before you make too many radical decisions in your eating habits.  This can be in the form of some good research online, or from your physician or a registered dietitian.

There are many foods out there which promote health and wellness.  For example, garlic has been known for centuries to have healing qualities.  Seek out vitamins that are high in fiber, vitamins and protein.  Beans, beans the musical fruit should be redone to read "beans, beans, the magical fruit."  Of course they're not really magical, but they offer great benefits nutritionally in the form of vitamins, protein and fiber.  Beans are definitely a food that you should add to your diet if you're not already.

Stay away from fried food and foods with a lot of fat.  These will clog up your arteries as well as excessive calories that can increase weight.  This, in turn, makes your body work harder to pump blood and will affect your stamina and cardiovascular health in general.  Sure you can eat these things, but like most things, do so in moderation or just occasionally.  Make sure to mix in some fresh fruits like a banana or blueberries with your breakfast.

The two areas of healthy diet and exercise are always a good place to start when it comes to health and wellness.  Used in combination with natural supplements, meditation, healthy relationships, and activities that fulfill your life purpose, diet and exercise will do almost everything you want.   

Do this regularly for at least 30 days and you will be sure to notice an increase in energy as your body becomes healthier. When so inspired, continue this as part of your plan for lifelong health and abundant energy.

If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Weaver P O Box 300322 Houston, Texas 77230-0322 United States

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Turunkan Berat Badan - dari Laman Kesihatan

Turunkan Berat Badan - dari Laman Kesihatan

Turunkan Berat Badan

Posted: 18 Oct 2011 08:57 PM PDT

Mengapa Turunkan Berat Badan?

Jika anda ada terlalu banyak lemak – terutamanya jika kebanyakannya pada pinggang anda – anda berada pada risiko yang lebih tinggi bagi masalah-masalah kesihatan seperti tekanan darah tinggi, kolesterol darah tinggi dan kencing manis. Dan anda tidak sendirian! Lebih 60% dari rakyat Malaysia adalah terlebih berat badan, dengan 50% dari jumlah itu berada dalam kategori obes. Statistik ini adalah mencemaskan kerana obesiti sekarang dikenalpasti sebagai faktor risiko utama dan sendirian bagi penyakit jantung.

Turunkan Berat BadanBMI anda: Indeks jisim tubuh (BMI) menilai berat badan anda relatif kepada ketinggian. Ianya satu ukuran komposisi tubuh yang berguna kerana ia menghubungkaitkan lemak tubuh dalam kebanyakan orang. Jika indeks jisim tubuh anda ialah 25.0 atau lebih, anda akan mendapat manfaat dengan menurunkan nombor anda ke bawah 25. Jika BMI anda adalah 30.0 atau lebih tinggi, anda pada risiko jelas bagi mendapat masalah kesihatan jantung.

Mengapa Menurunkan Berat Badan Penting Untuk Kesihatan Saya?

Bayangkan membawa beg galas 10 kg sepanjang hari, setiap hari. Ia membebankan, samalah juga seperti berat badan berlebihan. Apabila anda membuang lemak berlebihan dan berat yang tidak diperlukan, anda mengurangkan beban jantung, paru-paru, salur-salur darah dan tulang-tulang anda. Anda memberikan diri anda pemberian untuk hidup dengan aktif, merendahkan tekanan darah anda dan juga membantu anda rasa diri lebih baik dan yakin.

Apa Yang Boleh Saya Buat Untuk Menurunkan Berat Badan?

Jika anda terlebih berat badan atau obes, anda boleh mengurangkan risiko anda untuk mendapat penyakit jantung dengan menurunkan berat badan dan mengekalkannya. Malah menghilangkan seserendah dua atau tiga kilogram boleh memberikan penurunan tekanan darah yang dramatik.

Ketahui keperluan kalori anda: Apabila merancang untuk menghilangkan berat badan, ianya penting untuk memahami apakah pengambilan kalori yang disarankan yang perlu bagi jantina, umur dan tahap aktiviti fizikal anda.

Kesan dan jejak kalori anda: Walau jika anda menjejak apa yang anda makan selama beberapa hari, anda akan belajar banyak tentang tabiat anda. Kira jumlah kalori makanan yang anda makan berbanding dengan kalori tenaga yang anda gunakan pada tahap aktiviti fizikal anda. Ianya adalah berkaitan dengan mengimbangkan kalori masuk dan kalori keluar, dan belajar merancang sewajarnya untuknya.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Hi Readers Here's Your Hair Loss Newsletter


How Dandruff Can Be
Linked To Hair Loss

There are several possible causes of dandruff.

These include:
  • Dry skin
  • Adverse reaction to hair and skin products
  • Skin disorders (e.g., psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis)
  • Head lice infestation
  • Poor diet
  • Yeast sensitivity

However, dandruff can also be linked to hair loss resulting from androgenetic alopecia (male and female pattern baldness).

Dandruff is sometimes connected to hair loss. Note: if your email provider does not support html, you won't be able to see this image.

Here's the connection between dandruff and the hair loss process:

First of all, androgenetic alopecia is caused by skull expansion (skull bone growth) of the frontal and parietal bones. These bones underlie the male pattern baldness region of the scalp and so, as they grow, they constrict the capillaries that supply blood to the skin. This prevents adequate hair nutrition and growth, resulting in progressive hair follicle miniaturization and hair loss.

The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is largely responsible for this bone growth. That's because it has an anabolic effect on bone tissue (i.e., it encourages bone growth).

To make matters worse, the body then attempts to compensate for this hair loss by increasing DHT levels in the scalp! It initiates this process (known as "upregulation") because DHT also stimulates hair growth (for example during puberty DHT is responsible for body and pubic hair growth as well as bone and muscle development).

However, this attempt to increase hair growth is unsuccessful. There are two likely reasons for this:

1. An increase in DHT levels will further encourage the skull expansion process. This, of course, causes an even greater strain on the blood supply to the hair follicles. And so a vicious circle is created.

2. The body will rush through anagen (the growing phase of the hair growth cycle) and enter catagen (shedding phase) and then telogen (resting phase) much sooner than it normally would. This causes the hair to thin and the rate of hair loss to increase. And, whilst this hair should eventually re-enter anagen and start growing again, strong, healthy hair growth is unlikely due to the progressive effects of skull expansion.

Since hair growth in the outer (dermal) layer of the scalp has been restricted, DHT will instead promote more rapid cell growth at a deeper level of the scalp (called the stratum germinatum layer).

This interference with normal cell division results in skin cells rising up towards the surface of the skin faster than normal, causing increased shedding of the skin - dandruff.

And, as a result of this increased rate of shedding, the skin layer can also become thinner (i.e., because it's being lost at the surface faster than it can be replaced from below).

High DHT levels will also stimulate an increase in the amount of sebum (oil) produced in the scalp. And high sebum levels is associated with seborrhoeic dermatitis - a skin disorder which can cause even more dandruff!

As extensive baldness develops, the rate of dandruff formation should eventually decrease and finally stop. That's because the follicles are only producing vellus (tiny) hair or no hair at all. And, when hair growth has all but stopped, the body will recognize this and reduce (downregulate) DHT and sebum production.

If you suffer dandruff as a result of hair loss (caused by androgenetic alopecia) it may be that by addressing your hair loss problem, you will also be able to reduce or prevent your dandruff.

I believe the most effective way to treat hair loss is to treat the underlying cause - skull expansion. Many men and women are now using the techniques I developed to successfully stop their hair loss and restore normal hair growth again. You can learn about whether these techniques can help you by reading the following page:


Note: If your email provider does not support html, just copy and paste the link above into your browser address bar.

Next issue: Seborrhoeic dermatitis and how to treat it.

See you next week,

Paul Taylor
Paul Taylor

P.S. This newsletter runs in a continuous sequence. This means that any issue you might have missed will cycle back round again in about 15 weeks.

Copyright © Paul Taylor 2011

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Heathy 365 News - 5 Ways Lupus Can Harm Your Skin and How To Stop It

My Newsletter


Dr. Seymour Weaver Logo


Healthy 365 News 

Issue # 20 - Oct. 18, 2011


Receive daily tips from Dr. W



 Update From Dr. Weaver

Hello Readers,

In an earlier issue, I made mention of the fact that I have had extensive experience with diagnosing and treating lupus.

Well this month, I am revisiting the subject and providing some additional health tips related to this condition.

If you know of anyone who is living with or affected by lupus, feel free to share this information with them.


Health Tip of the Week

5 Ways Lupus Can Harm Your Skin
And Things You Can Do to Stop It

October has traditionally been designated as Lupus Awareness Month for at least 30 years or more, but it has become overshadowed by the attention given to support Breast Cancer Awareness so that you don't hear about it anymore.

I have a question for you.  Are you aware of the fact that over 1.5 million individuals in the United States are affected by Lupus?

As a dermatologist, I frequently see individuals with a variety of skin concerns that can lead to an oftentimes unexpected diagnosis of lupus.

For example, a 22 year female who was a recent college graduate came to the office with a concern about hair loss which had been attributed to damage from her hair styling techniques or a "bad perm".   During the course of examining her hair and scalp, I noticed that the skin was thickened and the scalp was discolored in the areas where the hair was missing.  After she agreed to my suggestion of having a biopsy done on her scalp, the procedure was performed and the specimen submitted for laboratory evaluation.  She was quite surprised to learn that her hair was coming out because of lupus.

Another patient came in because of red nodules on the arms and chest that were bothersome.  Again, it was necessary to obtain a specimen of skin to make a diagnosis and the results revealed a form of lupus.

In addition to the skin, lupus can have an effect on the joints, internal organs such as the kidneys, heart, or brain as well as the various blood cells and immune systems of the body.  Due to the vague way lupus develops, it is not uncommon for it to take two or more years of evaluation before an individual can be finally diagnosed with this condition.

Here is a list of some of the things you should be aware of related to how lupus can affect the skin:

1)      Sensitivity to sunlight that causes rashes on the face, neck, or exposed areas of the arms

2)      Patchy areas of scaling with dark coloration inside of the ears

3)      Sensitivity of the hands and fingers to cold associated with color changes so that the fingers are red, puffy, and sometimes blue with areas of breakdown and sores on the fingertips

4)      Patches of hair loss with thickening and discoloration of the scalp

5)      Persistent redness of the cheeks and mid-facial area sometimes associated with areas of scarring

While these are some of the ways lupus can harm your skin and lead you to seek medical care, there is a wide variety of less common changes that can develop.

Once lupus is diagnosed, there are several key factors to protecting your skin and limiting the damage that occurs.

1)      Use a broad spectrum sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB to protect all sun exposed areas daily for light since direct or indirect sunlight (through windows indoors) can aggravate lupus

2)      Get treatment as early as possible and stick with the treatment until the healing process is complete to minimize scarring

3)      Get plenty of rest.  Lupus is one of those conditions aggravated by fatigue and tiredness.

4)      Get yearly physicals and blood work to monitor what is happening with your body and avoid any surprise abnormalities that go unattended to

I spend a significant amount of time researching and focusing on identifying and recommending the best health aids possible, but there are times when you can do everything right to have good health and diseases can show up any way.

Lupus is one of those conditions that can show up because of genetic factors and other still to be determined causes even if you eat based upon a sound nutrition plan and you do the right thing.

As I close, I would like to tell you about another patient who I saw for hair loss in her early twenties and diagnosed with lupus in her early twenties.  She was convinced that her life would be shortened and she was doomed.  Well twenty five years later, she is the proud mother or two, doing very well physically and the lupus is in remission.  She has gotten yearly physicals and blood work every year and taken prescribed medications when needed including scalp treatments and products to stop her hair loss. As she passes the point of living with lupus for more than 25 years she has done quite well indeed.  On a more somber note, there is the case of a 16 year old who was diagnosed with lupus but do to the severity of the disease did not make it to her 18th birthday.

So, if you are able, support the lupus foundation in its quest to find a cure for this disease.  It will be greatly appreciated by the more than 1.5 million Americans with lupus. Click Here for Lupus Foundation of Texas




Read Dr. Weaver's Latest Blog Posts

How to Improve Your Health with the Power of Visualization

Winter is Coming- Here Are 5 Ways to Protect Yourself From Illness

Restore Your Health and Energy In Spite of Your Age


discussion.gifRestore Your Health and Energy In Spite of Your Age 

There is a saying that youth is wasted upon the young.  Ongoing research into the areas of health, wellness, and anti-aging might one day lead to a change in this statement so that perpetual youthful energy and vibrancy is still a possibility at any age.

While this might sound a little bit far fetched, it is becoming more and more of a possibility as each day goes by.  But, to tap into this realm of existence requires discipline, focused activity, with a specific purpose and target in mind.  So, I would like to ask you a question.

Is age starting to catch up with you?  Do you have less energy or vitality than you had when you were 5, 10, or 20 years younger?  Well if so, you don't have to feel like the Lone Ranger. 

As we age our body starts to not operate as well as it once did.  There are a lot of reasons for this.  Research into the aging process shows that metabolic changes take place within all of the cells of the body and a particular decrease is noticed in structures called "mitochondria" which are the energy reservoirs.  Muscle cells contain the highest concentration of mitochondria, especially cardiac muscle which is found in the heart.  While it is inevitable that these changes will take place, there are two things in particular you can do to make things better: follow a healthy diet or eating plan and exercise.

We'll start with exercise.  I know that most of us don't really always enjoy exercise; however there are fun ways that you can do it.  You can always grab an MP3 player and load up your favorite music or even an audio book and go for a walk.  It doesn't have to be a long walk in the beginning.  Just a walk around the block might be all you can do.  That's better than nothing though.

Perhaps for exercise you can find something that you like to do for fun.  For example, swimming is one of the best forms of exercise out there, working almost all parts of your body.  Simply getting out and playing a game can start you out with some exercise that is more enjoyable.  Get out and shoot some hoops with your kids or nephews or nieces.  Whatever you choose to do, try to get out and do it frequently and build a habit of doing some form of exercise.  Thirty minutes of exercise three days per week can have a big impact on your energy level as well as improve sleep habits, and how your body processes the food you eat.

When it comes to diet and eating healthy, there are lots of things to consider there as well.  Allergies are one of the biggest such as gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance; the other consideration is whether or not you have a disease of some sort such as diabetes or high blood pressure.  If either of these is true, you need a little consultation before you make too many radical decisions in your eating habits.  This can be in the form of some good research online, or from your physician or a registered dietitian.

There are many foods out there which promote health and wellness.  For example, garlic has been known for centuries to have healing qualities.  Seek out vitamins that are high in fiber, vitamins and protein.  Beans, beans the musical fruit should be redone to read "beans, beans, the magical fruit."  Of course they're not really magical, but they offer great benefits nutritionally in the form of vitamins, protein and fiber.  Beans are definitely a food that you should add to your diet if you're not already.

Stay away from fried food and foods with a lot of fat.  These will clog up your arteries as well as excessive calories that can increase weight.  This, in turn, makes your body work harder to pump blood and will affect your stamina and cardiovascular health in general.  Sure you can eat these things, but like most things, do so in moderation or just occasionally.  Make sure to mix in some fresh fruits like a banana or blueberries with your breakfast.

The two areas of healthy diet and exercise are always a good place to start when it comes to health and wellness.  Used in combination with natural supplements, meditation, healthy relationships, and activities that fulfill your life purpose, diet and exercise will do almost everything you want.   

Do this regularly for at least 30 days and you will be sure to notice an increase in energy as your body becomes healthier. When so inspired, continue this as part of your plan for lifelong health and abundant energy.

If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Weaver P O Box 300322 Houston, Texas 77230-0322 United States

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